Global CyberSecurity

COVID-19 Chloroquine Pharmaspam


Published on 08/20/2020 – Last Updated on 08/20/2020 by OTC

A recent SiteCheck scan of an organization’s website showed an interesting pharmacy spam injection targeting COVID-19-related pages of websites. The HTML that was flagged by our SiteCheck signature, spam-seo.hidden_content?100.2, shows why the pharmacy spam text was not displayed on the infected web page:

This spammer is trying to obfuscate their link injection by assigning a custom function, get_style, to store the none display element value. This essentially hides any of the element’s text that comes after the function is called, then uses the custom function end_ to remove the none display element.

Continue reading COVID-19 Chloroquine Pharmaspam at Sucuri Blog.

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