Global CyberSecurity

WordPress Websites Used to Distribute ClearFake Trojan Malware


Published on 08/22/2024 – Last Updated on 08/23/2024 by OTC

Unfortunately, scams are all over the place, and anybody who has surfed the web should know this. We’ve all gotten phishing emails, or redirected to questionable websites at some point or another. Being on your guard is an important posture to take online, and part of that is knowing how to identify threats, scams, or places you shouldn’t visit on the web.

We recently worked on an infected website that was being used to distribute such a threat, and in this post we’ll go into how it worked, what it was trying to do, and how you can recognise it if it pops up on your screen.

Continue reading WordPress Websites Used to Distribute ClearFake Trojan Malware at Sucuri Blog.

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