Marketing - Corp. Communication

Everything You Need to Know About B2B Buyers – The Rise of the Digital-B2B-Era


Published on 08/21/2024 – Last Updated on 08/21/2024 by OTC

Demographics change, and with them, B2B buyers’ demands change.

Since the mid-twenty-teens, Millennials have been a growing demographic in B2B buyer research and decision-making processes. Today, they not only have influence, these younger buyers are the decision-making majority.

In 2023, a Forrester survey revealed that buyers born after 1980—Millennials and Gen Zers—accounted for 71% of B2B buyers, while Generation X and Baby Boomers accounted for only 29%. If we factor in the nature of aging and that younger buyers made up 64% in 2022, this cohort of buyers is gaining positions of purchasing power by more than 10% YoY.

At that rate, they will make up more than 90% of B2B decision-makers by 2026.

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TL;DR (too long; didn’t read…)

  • Millennials and Gen Z now dominate B2B buying decisions, comprising 71% of buyers in 2023, and are projected to make up over 90% by 2026.
  • Younger B2B buyers value transparent, ethical practices and a seamless digital experience.
  • Gen Z and Millennials prefer digital communication channels like live chat and social media and are less loyal to brands.
  • Focus on digital solutions, buyer enablement, and modernizing sales strategies to effectively market to younger B2B buyers.


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