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Is Your Website Ready For Take Off? A Useful Website Launch Checklist


Published on 04/18/2024 – Last Updated on 04/18/2024 by OTC

Launching a new website is an exciting milestone. But identifying what to do before launching can be overwhelming.

However, with our website launch checklist, you don’t need to stress. We cover everything from pre- to post-launch so you know what to do.

Planning a website redesign and launch can be overwhelming, especially if you haven’t had the experience of planning one in the past. In this blog, we’ll provide a website launch checklist you can use to get a better understanding of what the journey ahead will look like.

How Long Does A Website Redesign Take?

Every website redesign project is unique and involves many moving parts from start to finish. There’s no telling what obstacles or unforeseen circumstances will emerge during the process. However, typically a website launch timeline will consist of 6 main stages:

  • Planning and discovery (2-10 weeks)
  • Content and SEO (5-15 weeks)
  • UI/UX design (4-12 weeks)
  • Developing and coding (2-10 weeks)
  • Testing and review (1-3 weeks)
  • Official launch (1 day-2 weeks)

Remember, the timing of these stages will vary depending on your goals for the project and the scale of work required to reach them. Another component that will influence your website launch timeline is the number of stakeholders involved in the redesign process. For example, if every service team’s lead needs to review each piece of the project, it will take longer to finalize.

Pre-Website Launch Checklist

A lot of hard work goes into a website before it can be pushed live, and it can’t all be completed by one person. A successful website launch depends on the work of skilled individuals who all have a different role to play.

In the following sections, we’ll break down some of the main steps and roles that should be included in your pre-website launch checklist.

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Keep in mind, this website launch checklist is only the beginning, many more pieces contribute to a successful site launch, fortunately, you can get help from Developers and Marketing Specialists to ensure your site turns out exactly how you envisioned.


Interested in a website redesign for your company? For More and moving ahead…
Talk to PHMC GPE Team !



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