
Taiwanese Navy’s Kidd class destroyers take part in missile interception drills


Published on 08/27/2021 – Last Updated on 08/27/2021 by OTC

According to the Republic of China Navy(Taiwanese Navy), all four of Taiwan’s Kidd-class destroyers recently took part in a live-fire training in waters around Taiwan that simulated the interception of incoming enemy missiles.

The four destroyers of the Republic of China (Taiwan) Navy’s 168th Fleet fired their MK-45 naval artillery guns and MK-15 Phalanx close-in weapons systems to ward off enemy forces during the drill, according to a Facebook post by the Navy.

Since 1984, the Han Kuang exercises, Taiwan’s biggest war games involving all military branches, have been undertaken annually in the form of live-fire drills and computerized war games to assess the country’s combat readiness in the event of a Chinese invasion.

Kidd Class Destroyers

After being retired in the United States, Taiwan purchased all four destroyers from the US Navy in 2001 and renamed them the Keelung (1801), Suao (1802), Tsoying (1803), and Makung (1805) before they officially entered service in 2006.

Check out Naval Library App to find out the specifications of Kidd Class Destroyers

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