Published on 10/03/2021 – Last Updated on 10/03/2021 by OTC
Terma announced that it has been awarded a contract to supply third-party Electronic Support Measures (ESM) systems integrated with C-Flex Patrol systems for six boats on August 31st, 2021, according to the company.
A system from Terma will not only provide the Indonesian Navy with the ability to record, compile, and utilize electronic warfare data across numerous ships but will also provide advantages in a variety of other areas due to the commonality in design and future extension potential. As part of the overall system design, the company is also working closely with a UK EW data management specialist, who will provide a shore station for the processing, storage, and distribution of ESM data as part of the overall system design. It is through this mix of technological solutions that the Indonesian Navy will be able to construct a fully operational ESM database for their fleet.
On the same day, Terma was given a second contract for the upgrade of existing C-Guard systems with Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) capabilities for the Indonesian Navy’s Sigma-class corvettes, which will be completed in the coming months. In this program, Terma, in partnership with a partner, will offer an upgrade to the existing C-Guard system, which is capable of AAW (Anti-Air Warfare) and ASW capabilities. This ASW upgrade program for the C-Guard is a continuation of the previous ASW upgrade contract, which was granted in 2019 for the same class of ships.
The newly established Service and Operation Office of Terma in Surabaya will play an important role in the project’s execution, as will the company’s other offices in Indonesia. Both of these contracts serve to further solidify Terma’s position and significance in Indonesia, and they serve as a monument to the critical role that Terma Indonesia has played in the company’s growth and development in the nation.
Check out Naval Library App to find out more about the specifications of the Sigma class corvettes.
