Marketing - Corp. Communication

Tips to Champion the True Value of Marketing


Published on 11/28/2024 – Last Updated on 11/28/2024 by OTC

Marketing has changed dramatically over the last 100 years or so, although its existence has been present since the dawn of humanity- most ignoring it!

The way in which we advertise ourselves to each other, the way we present ourselves and how we attract a potential partner is rooted in our genetics and is as clear a form of marketing as can be expressed.

Marketing has rapidly evolved, with teams now juggling multiple roles while proving their value across the business. Increasingly, it seems that marketing is expected to deliver more business impact and drive revenue, fast. Research shows 40% of CMOs face greater pressure to prove ROI quickly, while 47% must directly impact revenue. That said, marketing quickly became in vogue over the last 100 years, with the famous anecdotes from founders such as Henry Ford and the advent of mass production and over capitalism. According to H.Ford: ‘A man who stops advertising to save money is like a man who stops a clock to save time.

Perhaps obviously, with so many marketers now following the same processes, and marketing now being run by data scientists as opposed to those with natural behavioural instinct, the next phase is upon us. This is one where the natural new frontier is an understanding of how people actually think and act, and thereby finding the best way to engage with them on their terms. In a sense, it is moving away from the manipulative techniques that have been made famous by so many companies during the digital age and instead to a more positive age altogether.

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The result of this is that we will see much greater differences between brands that are truly authentic and those that are merely trying to hack their marketing efforts for short-term gain. Being authentic is in itself the great hack, as it ensures that a business is truly relevant in the first place. If it is, then it is presented in the best possible way to customers, and subsequently, it is likely to grow most successfully in the short, medium and long-term.

Authenticity AND Truth, The Inescapable Key to Success in Marketing

Of course, the businesses that follow this approach will quickly rise to prominence and gain the interest of investors who are looking to model growth and investment. Once this happens, these approaches will be a requirement in the same way that data science is now a de facto element within a marketing department.


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