Marketing - Corp. Communication

Turn Mobile-Friendly B2B Websites Into Mobile-Responsive Marketing Tools


Published on 05/28/2024 – Last Updated on 05/28/2024 by OTC

The mobile-first website movement has been a key ranking strategy since pre-2015.

Website browsing trends had begun to flip: desktop was down, and mobile web search was on an upward trajectory that we all knew would never be topped by desktop again.

The mobile-first crusade was Google’s doing. In 2015, they introduced their “mobile-friendly” update, and in 2016 mobile-first crawling and indexing began. In the web development community, this period was alarmingly labelled Mobilegeddon. Every company and agency went on a mad dash to move mobile-first, motivated by the fear that overnight search engine ranking would plummet. SEO would effectively be in the toilet.

B2C vs B2B Website Browsing Habits

While recent statistics on B2C vs B2B website browsing trends are not readily available—it seems like the internet lost interest after the initial mobile-first round of panic between 2015 and 2017—we can glean some insights from our own data.

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Reaching and engaging customers on mobile devices can significantly impact the success of your digital marketing strategies. A mobile-optimized website enhances user experience, improves search engine rankings, and increases lead generation and conversion rates.

Ensuring your website is responsive across all devices sets the stage for more effective digital marketing campaigns and a stronger online presence.


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