Marketing - Corp. Communication

What is a Press Kit and How to create an efficient one?


Published on 04/08/2024 – Last Updated on 04/08/2024 by OTC

What is a Press Kit?

A press kit is also known as a media kit. It consists of all promotional material about a company, a person, or a company. The press kit or media kit is given to media or press people in order to establish public relations with them or to carry out a promotional campaign. Because of this reason press kit is widely known as a media kit.

The press kit is used by a company to promote its promotional campaigns or a product and to make an effective impression on the people of the media as media has the power to build or ruin the image of companies. Therefore, companies make extra efforts to create a positive image by sending a press kit and media people publish information provided in the press kit to a much wider audience.

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